High Performance Fluoride Compounds


Fluoride Cones

High-Performance Fluoride Compounds

Materion Introduces Innovative Starter Sources

Building on past success with pre-melted oxides, Materion has developed a novel approach to producing vacuum-cast specialty optics grade fluoride compounds. The melts are available in a range of compositions including Magnesium fluoride (MgF2) to Ytterbium fluoride (YbF3) and Yttrium fluoride (YF3) and shapes such as cones and evaporation discs.  These Fluoride “starter sources" fit directly into liners or hearths and are currently suited within the visible and infrared (VIS/IR) spectrum although future materials will include DUV.

The use of dense and conformal melts in the production process is particularly suited for long or short runs where stability is key; furthermore, risks such as particle outgassing, operator variance, environmental contaminants or collapsing granule underlayers must be minimized. The homogenous charges can offer advantages over using granulated forms (crystals, pellets) by offering a stable evaporation surface for a more uniform coating, consistent deposition rate, reduced spitting and maintaining a good melt pool over long runs.

In producing the cones, a novel casting method is employed that transcends other consolidation or glassy state efforts where deposition power is drastically limited due to risk of pre-melt expansion or inconsistent density.  Another benefit of the high cast density is the ability to hold a melt without leakage due to reduced capillary action of the molten evaporation material.

Materion Capabilities

To fully support specialty optics in semiconductor applications, Materion has been enhancing purity and usability on a host of key metals and materials. The fluoride melt and cast technique is an example of our commitment to improving the stability and quality of coating materials. For more information or to inquire if this technique may be applied to your needs, please contact David.Sanchez@Materion.com or your Sales representative.

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