Coating Materials News

Optical Coatings for Harsh Environments 
Read Materion paper on extreme stresses faced by optical coatings in operational environments.
Reactive and Non-Reactive Deposition 
Discover the technology behind reactive and non-reactive deposition.
The Evolution of Photo-Voltaic Solar Cell Technology 
The Evolution of Photo-Voltaic Solar Cell Technology
Thin Film Coating Materials 
Materion Advanced Materials Group offers a comprehensive range of coating materials products and technical guidance in selecting the best available material for your application.
Ultra Violet Coating Technology: Materials and Processes 
Ultra Violet Coating Technology
Understanding Deep Ultra Violet Coatings 
Read this Materion technical paper for a better understanding of the special amterial requirements for DUV coating materials.
Yttrium Fluoride Processes 
Materion discusses how ultra high purity yttrium fluoride contributes to improved performance.
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